Transmission Electron Microscopes
At its three transmission electron microscopes (TEMs), the FCEM currently supports or provides service in both the areas of classical room temperature electron microscopy/tomography (EM/ET) and high resolution cryo-EM/ET.
Scanning Electron Microscopes
Two scanning electron microscopes are part of the FCEM.
Cryo EM Sample Preparation
The imaging capabilities of the facility are supported by a complete pipeline of state-of-the-art sample preparation equipment for cryo applications.
General EM Sample Preparation
Various general EM sample preparation equipment is available. Room Temperature Microtomy is done at a Leica UC7 ultramicrotome or a Reichert Ultracut S.
Data Storage and Processing
A network attached storage system (SONAS, IBM) with a small accompanying 144 cores cluster system for local processing is available.